With machinery support from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forest (MoAF), labour contribution from the community, financial assistance from Gross National Happiness Commission (GNHC) and TomKat Foundation; we are able to start the construction work of the Menchari farm road (3 km) today (17/11/2016). It is expected to complete within the period of two months.
The construction of farm road will fundamentally improve the lives of the farmers in the community. It will enhance their economic activities while also encouraging them to take up more agricultural activities. Most importantly farmers expressed that they can have immediate access of their produce in the markets.
The ground-breaking ceremony was graced by Dasho Dzongrab from Samdrup Jongkhar Dzongkhag administration along with sector heads, officials from Orong Gewog administration and DoR, Samdrup Jongkhar. More than a hundred of villagers attended the ceremony.

Dasho Dzongrab graces ground-breaking ceremony


Road to Menchari GNH model village

Construction begins

Sense of ownership and responsibility is must for all to succeed and sustain – Dasho Dzongrab said to the people
