Among four ‘Local Action Plans’ which was developed and implemented by different local youth groups, construction of 4-units toilet at Dudjom Dharma House in Rekhay village has been the last one to be completed.
At the end, they have managed to built 7-units with full support from the community members. The toilet will cater to more than 300 people during the major events. Prior to this, they just had 1 toilet.
Today, the Samdrup Jongkhar Dzongkhag Tshogdu Thrizen and Lama Dawa Zangpo inaugurated the toilet. The event was attended by 15 local youth, SJI staff, volunteers and lopons from the Dudjom Dharma House.
Thank you Bhutan Centre for Media and Democracy for your guidance and support.

Arrival of chief guest and local youth.




Thank you all for making the event successful one
