On December 18, 2016, SJI interacted with the 2nd batch of elected local leaders from the 6 eastern dzongkhags (26 gups) at Menchari village. There was not a single women leader in the group. The engagement with the 1st group of elected leaders from 7 dzongkhags was on December 4, 2016.

Local leaders head towards Menchari village

Senior Menchari representative and former Chupon Ata Chewang and young Sherab share the Menchari story their story with the local leaders.

Leaders being welcomed by the people of Menchari

Sharing SJI’s view and its programs with the leaders. Also present are also the people of Menchari.

Orong Gup sharing his thoughts with the audience

Reducing waste from going to the landfill & adding economic value (not the primary focus but an incidental benefit).

Ata Changlopai (the 1st trained tailor of Menchari) showing his compost while also explaining its process to the leaders

Leaders studying the improved solar drier.

Healthy food prepared by the hosts from locally grown produce – being mindful of healthy eating & waste minimization.