SJI engaged 231 youth at the Camp RAVEN (Responsibility, Adaptability, Valour, Education & Never giving up) on January 8, 2017, in Dewathang. Attempt was made to strum the chords of nationalism, cultivate deeper understanding of citizenship and to educate the youth on wellbeing, lifestyle and responsibility vis-à-vis zero waste management.
“Modernization and political change have raised the individual’s freedom, but it has also led to a less desirable and unconscious freeing of the individual from his obligations to society and the greater good.
Isn’t it natural that every individual will seek to enhance his inheritance and pass it on to his own children? Shouldn’t it be even more natural, then to assume that our generation…every generation that inherits this earth must pass it on stronger and more secure to the next? Without this simple guiding value, that our world is shared among us and our future generations, we will continue robbing our planet and our children.
Rich nations must stop to be mindful of the poorer ones left behind. Successful people must stop to remember those who didn’t make it. … Time is slowly telling us that there can be no lasting individual success without success as a community… The world must progress together or fail together.
…I say GNH is Development guided by human Values…I am confident that the noble goal of Gross National Happiness will be key to Bhutan’s success in maintaining our unity and harmony – indeed our character as a nation.
…there is only one starting point to resolve any problem – big or small – that is one’s self. Each one of us must embark upon our personal journey towards the timeless goal of living a good life – being a good human being – even as we tackle the world’s largest problems. (excerpts from His Majesty’s Madhavrao Scindia Memorial Lecture 2009, New Delhi)
Camp RAVEN is an educational winter camp for school going children of the armed forces personnel initiated in 2012, upon His Majesty’s Command.

Interns from Sherubtse college attending the session.

Question hour

Camp RAVEN audience