Honorable Secretary in SJI office
SJI had the honor of receiving Honorable Secretary, MoAF on 25/3/2017. He briefed the SJI staff on the 12 Five Year Plan prioritizing agriculture where he mentioned rice self-sufficiency will be increased by 15%. He [...]
Involving Youth in the Community Development Process
On 21/4/2017, 102 volunteers (trainees) from the Jigme Namgyel Engineering College (JNEC) including some local youth participated in helping the community to build their traditional seed bank at Chokyi Gyatso Institute (CGI) considering the tradition [...]
Build local capacity using local experts to create progressive & self reliant communities
Five days training (2nd - 6th April 2017) on organic compost and pest management, seed growing and saving, nutrition, integrated farming system, land management, vegetable cultivation and grafting was conducted on lead farmer MC Gurung’s [...]
Build local capacity using local experts to create progressive & self reliant communities
Farmer representatives from Dewathang, Orong and Gomdar gewogs, farmer experts, assistant dzongkhag agriculture officer and SJI met on March 28, 2017 to discuss on the fields of trainings, duration, responsibility of lead farmers and a [...]
Mr. Alf Person, President of Sweden-Bhutan Society visited SJI
Mr. Alf Person, President of Sweden-Bhutan Society visited SJI on 22/3/2017 for field evaluation for possible collaboration. Meeting with zero waste craft group members. Lunch meeting with Brongteri vegetable group members. [...]
Educational field trip
On Friday March 24th, 2017 the LME students and their teachers went on an educational field trip to the Dewri River. After a steep hike down the mountain and through the jungle we practiced a [...]
Community Seed Bank
Samdrup Jongkhar Initiative believes that food is a cornerstone of GNH, Bhutan’s developmental goal; it manifests the interplay of socio-cultural, economical, ecological and governance aspects of development. Therefore, it calls for preservation and promotion of [...]
Visit of Honorable Secretary, MoAF
SJI had the honor of receiving Honorable Secretary, MoAF on 25/3/2017. He briefed the SJI staff on the 12 Five Year Plan prioritizing agriculture where he mentioned rice self-sufficiency will be increased by 15%. He [...]
Reaching out to wider audiences
A group of Japanese and a German couple lead by Mr. Keibo Oiwa, a member from Sloth Club-“Slow Living Movement” in Japan visited SJI office on 23/3/2017 to explore SJI. We have made a brief [...]
The SJI team: Dr. Yang Gyeltshen Mr. Dawa and Mr. Cheku Dorji participated a two day international workshop on the ‘Role of University in Promoting GNH through Practice and Rural Development’ from 10th - 11th [...]
Walk the Talk
GNH in practice enthusiast (Professors and students) from Center for Southeast Asia Studies (CSEAS), Kyoto University, Japan and Sherubtse College visited SJI project sites, particularly the Menchari GNH model village to see, feel and experience [...]
A journey towards Menchari GNH model village
Today (4/3/2017) the inauguration of farm road (3.9 km) was graced by honorable Minister for Agriculture and Forests (MoAF) along with Dasho Dzongda, Gup, sector heads, villagers and other officials of the entourage. Menchari community [...]