News and Events2024-10-29T19:48:49+06:00

Weaving Center created to empower women and Youth.

May 1st, 2023|Categories: General, News and Events|

Today, the Dewathang Gewog administration opened its much-awaited weaving center and launched a two-month weaving and tailoring training program for fifteen enterprising women and youth from Domphu, Martang, and Rikhay Chiwogs under Dewathang Gewog. Apart [...]

Shortlisted candidates for the post of Program Officer

March 15th, 2023|Categories: Announcements, General, News and Events|

The shortlisted candidates for the post of Program Officer. S/N Name Dzongkhag Interview Time 1 Tshering Gyeltshen Trashigang 9:30 - 10 am 2 Dendup Tshering Samdrup Jongkhar 10 - 10:30 am 3 Sonam Tobgay Trashigang [...]

Shortlisted candidates for the post of Program Officer

September 30th, 2022|Categories: Announcements, General, News and Events|

The shortlisted candidates for the post of Program Officer S/N Name Dzongkhag Interview Time 1 Bishnu Limbu Samtse 9:30  - 10 AM 2 Chimi Kinley Mongar 10 - 10:30 AM 3 Chimi Seldon Lhuntse 10:30 [...]

Members contribution from July to December, 2021

January 20th, 2022|Categories: Consolidated Membership Accounts, News and Events|

Kuzuzangpo la, Please click the link to view the name list of the members and Bank statements contributed from July to December 2021. Name of the Members; BoB Bank Statement; and BNB Bank Statement  Thank [...]

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