Happening Now
SJI showcasing innovations entitled “Innovative Approach towards Waste Management” at the International Conference on Resilient Hindu Kush Himalaya: Developing Solution towards a Sustainable Future for Asia from 3-6 December at International Centre for Integrated Mountain [...]
Land Management at Menchari GNH-Model Village
Lead by Mr. Sonam Phuntsho (Assistant Dzongkhag Agriculture Officer) from Samdrup Jongkhar Dzongkhag Agriculture Sector in collaboration with SJI and Menchari community members, carried out 7 days (23/5/2017 to 29/5/2017) land management activities viz. plantation [...]
Dump site cleaning at Bangtso village by LME student
SJI’s Lhomon Education (LME) program and Chokyi Gyatso Institute (CGI) jointly organized a half day dump site cleaning at Bangtso village on 27th May, 2017, to educate the community members (who are responsible for illegally [...]
Prospective Lead Farmer’s Exposure Visit
In pursuance of the agreement signed with Agriculture Research and Development Centre (ARDC-Wengkhar), Commercial Agriculture Resilient Livelihood Enhancement Programme (CARLEP) and Dzongkhag Agriculture in 2016 to identify and train lead farmers, SJI identified 8 lead [...]
SRI Project
After a successful implementation of System of Rice Intensification (SRI) project with one farmer in Rekhey village under Dewathang Gewog in 2016, where gross yield of 2156 kg/acre was noted in SRI method, while 1176 [...]
Visited Pheluma village
SJI team visited Pheluma village in Orong Gewog from 13th to 14th May, 2017 to conduct field assessment of the prospective leader farmer (woman) in the community who was trained in the best organic agriculture [...]
Dr. Gonzales from Switzerland visited SJI’s project sites
Dr. Gonzales from Switzerland visited SJI's project sites to discover people and their work in villages; to see the feasibility of a micro-credit project for Bhutan. SJI presentation Demo by zero waste [...]
Sherubtse College visited SJI’s project sites
Final year students (59) of BA Economics and Population Studies from Sherubtse College visited SJI's project sites from 26-28/4/2017, to learn about holistic approach towards development. Visit to Menchari village Understanding GNH [...]
An Assembly of Educationists at SJI: Building a GNH-inspired Education
“If I ever have the opportunity to create a school for children, I want them to learn what it is to be human. The way things are manifesting now in the world, our children are [...]
Mr. Alf Person, President of Sweden-Bhutan Society visited SJI on 22/3/2017 for field evaluation for possible collaboration. Showcasing zero waste craft products by craft women.
A group of Japanese and a German couple lead by Mr. Keibo Oiwa, a member from Sloth Club-“Slow Living Movement” in Japan visited SJI office on 23/3/2017 to explore SJI. We have made a brief [...]
Samdrup Jongkhar Initiative believes that food is a cornerstone of GNH, Bhutan’s developmental goal; it manifests the interplay of socio-cultural, economical, ecological and governance aspects of development. Therefore, it calls for preservation and promotion of [...]