A growing tide of rural-urban migration has led to serious problems of youth unemployment, social dislocation, and drug addiction in the nation’s urban centres. SJI works to reach out and create opportunities for local youth through internships, workshops, training programs, camps (e.g. arts, crafts, journalism), reading stations, discussion groups, volunteerism and more.
SJI has:
- Recruited and trained 26 interns to date.
- Engaged and trained 91 youth in a range of voluntary activities during their vacations.
- Recruited four youth zero waste trainers for one-year leadership positions supervising sustainable waste management systems in their communities.
- Set up three newspaper reading stations and a mini-library in Dewathang village to encourage and improve reading among youth.
- Held a 7-day youth art camp for 100 local youth led by the Voluntary Artists Studio of Thimphu (VAST), which led to creating a Voluntary Artists Studio of Dewathang (VASD)
- Held a 3-day journalism camp for 60 local youth led by top Kuensel and freelance journalists to teach skills in quality media content for magazines, radio, and blogs. and radio programmes.
- Held nine one-day zero waste crafts workshops with more than 500 local youth participants.
Shoes Repairing Activities
SJI Calling the Youth and People of Samdrup Jongkhar Dzongkhag
Click the following for more information
Click for more information
- Training on shoe-repairing, 02/09/2021
- Community Building Initiative, 27/1/2018
- Community Mapping – 2nd Town Hall Committee Meeting, November 29, 2017
- Training of trainers on Community Mapping, September 2,2017
- The Calling!, January 8, 2017
- Celebrating International Youth Day, 12th August, 2015
- Report on awareness program at Menchari village, November, 2015.
- Impact Assesment youth engagement, Oct-Dec, 2014.
- Youth Media photo Journal, 2013.
- Youth media workshop report, 2013.